Selborne Primary School

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Selborne in top 200 for the Multiplication Tables Check

Dear Parents/Carers,

It is great to see so many of you in school today as we work in partnership to help your child to reach the highest standards in their primary education.

We are delighted to receive the attached letter from Damien Hinds, the Government Minister for Schools. All Year 4 pupils in the country now get tested for their times tables knowledge in the summer term of Year 4. Selborne’s results in 2023 (so our current Year 5) put us in the top 200 schools in the whole country for their achievement! We are so pleased to be acknowledged in this way. What an achievement! Definitely fitting for an recently graded Outstanding school!

We always strive for the highest standards in pupil achievement at Selborne but we couldn’t do it without your support. It is crucial (especially in Year 4, Year 3 and Year 2) that you practise times tables daily with your child – make it a game, a competition, chant them on your walk to school or sing them when in the car. Times tables are one of those mathematical concepts that can be easily learnt by simply repeating them over and over again so every parent has the ability to teach their child them. I know how popular our Timestable Rockstars home learning (on the ipad/tablet/phone) is too so please encourage lots of this.

Please also remember to hear your child read aloud daily as reading is the way your child will access the whole primary curriculum and the more they read, the better they get at it. Don’t forget to sign their reading diary too so that their class does well at their Book Wars score!

Thank you for your continuing support. We couldn’t do it without you…

Kind regards,

Mrs Shilling